Q: When I download my programs it plays on my computer but I can’t see how to save it to a folder?
A: Click on the ‘logging into your account’ link in your sales email. Click on ‘My Downloadable Products’. Right click on the product you wish to download and click ‘save as’ or ‘save link as’. Then left click and save the program to your folder of choice.
Q: When my program downloads and I try to open it, it’s just a jumble of symbols and letters.
A: Go back to the folder the program is saved in. If the program has saved as an Audio.htm file, you need to rename it to convert it to an mp3 file. Simply right click on the file and left click on ‘rename’ in the list. Then you need to replace Audio.htm with Audio.mp3. A window will pop up saying ‘if you change a file name extension it may become unstable’. Click on Yes. You will now be able to play your program.
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